Monday, November 12, 2007

3.3- Urban Real(i)ty: 11/18/07

Map of the original art tour:

click "larger map" for the specific locations, not all of which are still up ("Moloch, who eats children!")

View Larger Map

Come check out:

Prosody Castle 3.3-Urban Real(i)ty
a tour of non-commissioned art in Oakland, Ca. (followed by a reading)
Gallery of Urban Art
1746 13th St. (@ Wood St. near Mandela Pkwy/West Oakland BART)

Danny King
Lara Durback
Erika Staiti
Peter SpannagleLink
Aimee Suzara
d scot miller
Ayodele Nzinga
Shawn Taylor
Chris Stroffolino
Phill Weber
Kwan Booth

participate in making public art without permission. a 2pm arrival at the Gallery of Urban Art gets you he first look at a series of new works, as well as a glance at some old ones you may not have noticed, before they all get reclaimed by the city. You will be picked up at the Gallery and promptly returned for a reading and viewing of continued works in the gallery. This promises to be the least legally advisable Prosody Castle event yet!

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