Friday, August 24, 2007

Snippets of Prosody Castle II

Prosody Castle II
featuring poems for multiple voices/persons by:
JD Mitchell-Lumsden
Bruce Andrews
Elizabeth Anderson
Jeremy Thompson
William Moor

Wondering if I get to start nick-naming this young series yet, as I'm getting tired of writing out "Prosody Castle" every time I want to refer to it (kudos to New Yipes for choosing two one-syllable words)- maybe ProCast, though that sounds like some kind of database software for talent agencies (do they still exist?).

At any rate, the second installment of this burgeoning reading series was really fun to participate in, which was the majority opinion, as the majority of the audience were also participants. I guess I can't complain that no "audience" shows up when I called half the poets I know to help read these polyphonic (cheers to Elizabeth Anderson or usage of that word) poems.

As you can hear, they bordered on the chaotic din of a party, but were also often beautiful and cathartic in having multiple voices aware of each other, something that happens all too rarely in the current party system.

Want to send big thanks to Daniel Coffman and The Gallery of Urban Art for generous and undemanding use of the serene and lovely gallery space.

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